Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Christmas Stash.

So I know it's early to be talking about Christmas (if Bryan knew I was doing this he'd be shunning me), but there IS Christmas music on the radio now, so I feel like I can at least talk about how excited I am for Kenley's first one!

I'm all about starting our little family's traditions this year. Of course, Pintrest has helped me along in this department...but never the less, we will make them ours.

Last night, I finished my first tradition project. I made our family Christmas pajamas! My mom gave me a bit of instruction, and they're not perfectly made, but they'll be perfect for K's first Christmas. 
Poor Bryan...some things I'm not so sure he's thrilled about, but he's humoring me.

Another tradition we're starting is "25 books of Christmas." I'm on a mission to find 25 Christmas books, wrap them and then each night we open one and read it. Kind of like an advent calendar... 
I've gotten a couple brand new ones, but we already had several from when we were kids, and I've found a few used ones and definitely used coupons for the others. I have a few more on their way in the mail, but this is the collection so far:

We decided to get new Christmas stockings this year too. It was so cool to order ones that say "Mom" and "Dad" on them. 
I can't wait for Santa to stuff K's stocking full of surprises. 

Although Kenley won't "get it" this year, Christmas just seems so extra special now. It's our favorite holiday and we're looking forward to introducing her to all the joys of the season.

And with that...Happy Thanksgiving. I don't want to leave any holidays out ;-).


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